Wednesday, August 31, 2011

HW for Tuesday, Sept. 6th

1. Workbook, Act. 1-2 (p. 6)
2. Classmate Interview Article
-Interview your classmate.
-Write a short paragraph about your classmate using the answers from the interview.
3. Tense Uses, Review, and Practice
Note: In the activities below, you will find two new uses for the present progressive and present perfect progressive THAT WE HAVE NOT DISCUSSED IN CLASS. We will review these together briefly on Tuesday. The other activites are review of the verb tenses we have covered this week.
Present progressive
Present Continuous Uses
Simple Present vs. Present Progressive
Past Continuous
simple past vs. past continuous
Simple Past and Present Perfect
Simple past/Present Perfect Comparison
Simple Past vs. Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect Continous Uses
Present Perfect Continuous Practice

HW for Thursday, Sept. 1st

1. Workbook, Act. 2-3 (p. 5)
2. Vocabulary Notebook, Act. 1-2 (p. 10)
3. Native Speaker Interview

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

HW for Wednesday, August 31st

Uncollected HW
1. Workbook, Activities 1 and 2 (p. 4)

**For Thursday:
-Native Speaker Interview