Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Classmate Paragraph


Please post your paragraph about your classmate. When you have the chance, read other students' paragraph so that you can learn about your classmates.



Here is Rika's Article:

I interviewed my classmate, Sulaiman Meshall. He is from Saudi Arabia. He has been in Missoula for eight months. When he came here, he talked to his father. He usually hangs out with his friend, Omar. He likes to drive around here. He bought sunglasses by himself two weeks ago, and went to float the river.
He likes to listen to the music, Rap, and has fun in his free time.
Last spring, he went to snowboarding, and tried it. However, he didn’t like it well.
He thinks that Spain is the nicest country because Spain is beautiful.
He had never considered his plan well, but he hopes to go back and live in Saudi Arabia in the future.

And here is Kaho's article:

I introduce about Mohammed Almesbahboui.He has been living in Missoula foe 9 months.He came here to study English from Yemen.The reason he ends up coming to University of Montana is that his cousin go to UM, and he recommended.He likes action movies,and his faborate movies are Jaki Chan.And he likes to go shopping in his free time.He get along with his father.His best memory about childhood is that he went to his father's company.He also have tried to ski with his father.So he respects his parents.Last summer, he went to another country with his family. He hopes to go to France on next vacation because he has friends there, and they say to come France and visit them.And he has considering going to Japan. He wants to go to shopping and see people in Japan.


  1. Article about Ruka (from Candy)
    Ruka has been studying here (in Missoula) about one week. She went on a trip with her friends, last summer vacation. She hasn't visited Taiwan, but she wants to visit there. She's never tried to go abroad to study. She likes playing the guitar and watching the movies for her free time activities. She'll want to move to Montana someday. She also likes to read books. Her nicest feeling is being happy. ^_^She admire "me" in the class. ( The best present she has received is one of the best letters. When she finished the class last month, she visited her friends' house and had dinner (with her friends). She ended up getting her last job by searching for another one and she applied for it.

  2. He has been living his hometown for 17years. He went to supermarket last night. He never considered the character in carton will be come ture. He likes to eat Arabic food and drink coke. I drove a nice car last year.Then he wll go to Russia in this year. He really likes Benz, he really wants to buy a Benz to drive. He misses his friend. He wants to meet them. His best experiance was drive a race car. That was so exciting. He was sleeping all day last sunday.He can't remembers when adn how he ended up meet his last girlfriend.What is he? M.J.

  3. Kyeong A said...

    My Classmate Abdul from Saudi Arabia.

    Abdul came here to study English language at ELI 7 months ago. It's a great place to go on trip. He went Las Vegas 1 month ago and went to a casino. He remembers earning $20.00. It was a funny thing. He likes studying foreign languages, and his favorite subject is English. But, he has never considered learning Korean. He has never tried learning Korean. He hopes to end up living in Saudi Arabia. He is planing on returning to his country when he finish studying in USA. His favorite food is Kabsa. It's a Saudi Arabian traditional food. And, he expect to meet his girl friend. Her name is Cathriene. She is very beautiful. He can't imagine not being Cathriene in life. He went out with his friends the night before yesterday, then was sleeping by noon at home yesterday. He was absent yesterday. He ended up stopping smoking just step by step. After the interview, he said "I'm hungry. I would like to go to lunch".

  4. Hey!

    I'm going to talk about my classmate Bohan.He is from Japan.he is 19 years old,and he has been in Missoula for 2 weeks.He came here to study English.He will stay here till he finishes his English course.He ended up coming to school in Missoula.He always remember playing with his friends when he was a child.He likes driving cars and driving around.He has hiked the M.He likes to watch movies.He likes driving cars for fun.He went to the gym last night.He will go to play basketball when he is done with his classes .

  5. Article about Candy.

    She is going to live in Missoula for one semester, and she has been living here for about 2 weeks until now. She went shopping at South Gate Mall last week, and she bought some clothes. She has been to Japan, she also likes Japan a lot. But she hopes she will live in Taipei, Taiwan, not Japan. She can play tha piano, and she likes music. Her favorite singer is Brandny, Sweety, and Hikaru Utada. Also, she remembers that her classmates treat her very well as a school life memory. That's the best thing for her. She was taking a shower at 9:00pm yesterday. She has only half year I-20, and that's why she has to leave here in half year.

  6. Dear Josh,
    I want to tell you a little about my classmate.Her name is Kaho.She studied English for 8 years.She went to Saipan on her last vacation.She considered to stury in the University of Montana.Her favorite movie is Harry Potter.She has tried to improve her English by herself.She hopes to go to Europe on her next vacation.She likes to listen to music in her free time.The nicest thing that happend in her life was wnet she has a dog.She likes to talk to her mother when she is sad.She rememvers she studied hard when she was in high school.She went to wal mart to buy a cell phone on las weekend.She is a very awesone classmate

  7. I would like to talk about my class mate,Kyeong A.
    She has been here for about 3weeks,and she ended up studying in Missoula because her husband researches at UM.She has never considered living in other countries.
    Her favorite food is Mexican food,Kimuchi,and she has tried Sushi.
    She hopes she will go to Japan in the future.She likes to listen to music.
    She misses her mother.
    She remembers that we learned about John in the last class.
    By the way, she visited Cheju Island during last vacation,and she told that she was in Josh's class at this time yesterday when I interviewed her.

  8. Hey Josh
    I will talk about my classmate Rika . She is from Japan. She is 20 years old and has been here in the for US two weeks. She came here to study English at ELI. She will stay here until she finish hey English studied. She ended up coming to US through the Study Abroad Foundation. She misses all her family. The nicest thing that happend in her life was when her mother recovered from her sickness. Her favorit foods are sweets and sushi. she likes to listen to electronic music. She also has considered getting married. She miss her best friend because she remember that she is very kind. A this time last week she was at a party and she had so much fun with her friends. Now you know lots of things about my classmate Rika ...

  9. Excuse me, Josh, I'm Candy. I use the wrong name I just try to change it.

  10. Finally, this time I will use the right name!!
