Wednesday, November 23, 2011

HW for Monday, Nov. 28th

1. Check WB HW (p. 82-83)
2. WB, p. 84
3. Listening Activity (collected HW): Read the following article about a new culinary trend that serves the purpose of saving endangered animals. Click here to read the aritcle. Then follow the steps below. ***Make sure to write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Step 1: Preview the Questions below.
Step 2: Listen to the article.
Step 3: Try to answer the questions below.
Step 4: Listen to the article a second time.
Step 5: Go back and revise/add to your answers.
Step 6: Read the article to check your answers to the questions.

Article Questions
1. In the past, how common was the consumption of plants and animals that are now threatened or extinct? ?

2. Gary Paul Nabhan's book is a cookbook AND a history book. What does his book have to do with history?

3. What does Nabhan say must be done in order to save endangered animals?

4. Do you agree with Nabhan's idea? Why or why not? Can you think of how his idea might cause more harm than good for endangered animals?

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