Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Unit 8 Note-taking Quiz Answers

Topic (2 points): Problem with neighbors over the weekend (or) Noise problem with neighbors. (note: weekend=1 point; it's too general)

Details (8 points):

-weekend could've been better; not much sleep
-neighbors partying
-thin walls at apartment complex
-neighbors had people over; loud stereo
-supposed to go hiking; wanted to sleep
-banged on wall and yelled at neighbors
-got quiet; neighbor apologized
-felt embarrassed; shouldn've knocked
-noisy dogs in neighborhood; sensitive to noise

HW for Monday, Nov. 28th

1. Check WB HW (p. 82-83)
2. WB, p. 84
3. Listening Activity (collected HW): Read the following article about a new culinary trend that serves the purpose of saving endangered animals. Click here to read the aritcle. Then follow the steps below. ***Make sure to write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Step 1: Preview the Questions below.
Step 2: Listen to the article.
Step 3: Try to answer the questions below.
Step 4: Listen to the article a second time.
Step 5: Go back and revise/add to your answers.
Step 6: Read the article to check your answers to the questions.

Article Questions
1. In the past, how common was the consumption of plants and animals that are now threatened or extinct? ?

2. Gary Paul Nabhan's book is a cookbook AND a history book. What does his book have to do with history?

3. What does Nabhan say must be done in order to save endangered animals?

4. Do you agree with Nabhan's idea? Why or why not? Can you think of how his idea might cause more harm than good for endangered animals?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

HW for Wednesday, Nov. 16th

1. WB, Act. 1-ABC (p. 64-65) (don't do Act. 2 "Apologies)
2. Act. C (p. 82)
3. Act. D (p. 83--reading questions!!)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

HW for Thurs. Nov. 10th

1. WB p. 60
2. Act. C (p. 78)
-Choose 5 words from the box and write true sentences about 5 people that you know. You should write at least 2 sentences for each person.

HW for Wednesday, Nov. 9th

1. WB p. 58-59

Thursday, November 3, 2011

HW for Monday, Nov. 7th

1. Act. B (p. 61)(collected)
-Paragraph form
-at least 10 sentences
2. WB, Act. A (p. 49)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

HW for Thursday, Nov. 3rd

1. Act. D (P. 61) **No dictionaries!
2. WB, Act. 1 (A+B) (p. 48)
3. Unit 6 Self-study Listening (questions at back of book; use student CD)
4. Check WB answers (p. 46-47)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Unit 4 Note-taking Test Answers

Here are the answers to the Unit 4 Note-taking test. The topic is worth 2 points; the details are worth 8 points. Some detail answers may vary. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Topic (2): Surprise Birthday Party/Surprise Party/Jim's Surprise Birthday Party

Details (8):
-old girlfriend (Sally) gave surprise party
-supposed to go out to dinner w/friend (George)
-called to cancel; really wanted me to go
-started driving the wrong way; didn't say anything
-Sally's place
-old friends from high school
-enjoyed getting together/living in different places

HW for Wednesday, Nov. 2nd

1. WB, p. 45-46
2. Check Note-taking test answers. (see above)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

HW for Monday, oct. 31st

1. WB. p. 44
2. Act. 4, (p. 43)(collected)
-use the past perfect
-write as least 5 sentences
-edit for grammar errors once finished

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

HW for Thursday, Oct. 27th

1. Workbook, p. 42-43
2. Past Perfect Grammar Review and Practice. Click on the links below to review and practice the past perfect:
a. Past Perfect Review
b. Past Perfect Form Practice
c. Past Perfect Use Practice

Monday, October 17, 2011

HW for Tuesday, Oct. 18th

1. WB, check answers (p. 28-29)
2. WB, p. 30-31
3. Vocabulary Journal, Act. 2 (p. 42)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

HW for Monday, Oct. 17th

1. WB, Check Answers on p. 26-27
2. WB, p. 28-29
3. Vocabulary Notebook Act. 1 (p. 30)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

HW for Thursday, Oct. 13th

1. WB, P. 26-27
2. "Weekend Get-away" Activity (handout from class)
-Complete part one.
-Complete part two by clicking on Weekend Get-awayand answering the questions.
-Complete part three.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

HW for Monday, Oct. 10th

1. Vocabulary Notebook 1 and 2 (p. 30)(Act. 2 is collected; write on separate paper)
2. Self-study listening (student CD) (I'll explain in class)
3. Activity D (p. 29) (writing about favorite proverb)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

HW for Wednesday, Oct. 5th

1. WB, p. 24
2. Check WB p. 22-23 answers for Wed.
3. Act. D (p. 29)(questions 1-5 about proverb article) (collected--write on separate paper)
4. Proverb Homework: Click on English Proverbs to complete the HW.

Monday, October 3, 2011

HW for Tuesday, Oct. 4th

1. WB p. 22-23
2. Check WB p. 20-21; bring questions for tomorrow.

Note-taking Answers

Hi Students,
Here are the answers to the note-taking part of the test.
For details, students received full credit if they included two details from each person.

Topic: Good Taste/What good taste is (both are acceptable)
**If you put "fashion", this is too general and you received only 1 point.

Julie (4 points)

Main idea: Good taste is kind of boring.

-people have same ideaw
-clothes or room in soft, neutral tones
-no bold or bright colors

Simon (4 points)

Main idea: It's different for different people./It depends on the person./It's a matter of the kind of person you are. (all are acceptable)

-strong characters
-bright clothes
-flashy car
-some people aren't outgoing
-wear stuff that suits them
-regular, safe cars

Thursday, September 29, 2011

HW for Monday, Oct. 3rd

1. Workbook, p. 20-21
2. Make changes to your outline based on my comments.
3. Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

HW for Thurs. Sept. 29th

1. Workbook, p. 19
2. Activity B (p. 24)
-make sure to write at least 4 "Dos" and "Don'ts" that are not on the list in Activity A
3. Passive Self-study
Passive Form Review + Examples
Passive Practice

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

HW for Wednesday, Sept. 28th

1. Workbook, p. 18
2. Presentation Outline
-Make sure that you write complete sentences and include lots of details!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

HW for Monday, Sept. 26th

1. "School Uniform" reading + blog response.
a. First, read the article "Can a School Uniform be Hip?'
b. Read the question below.
c. Read other students' responses.
d. Answer the questions (post your response on the blog.

1. Do high school students in your country have to wear school uniforms? If yes, describe these uniforms (for men and women). Did you like wearing a school uniform?
2. What is remarkable (amazing) about the fact that every graduating senior at Urban Prep this was accepted into a 4 year college?
3. In what way are school uniforms important at Urban Prep?
4. After reading this article, do you think that schools should require that students wear school uniforms? Why or why not?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Homework for Monday, Sept. 19th

1. Workbook, pg. 12-13
2. Listen to these people's views on fashion and complete the handout from class.
Fashion Views Listening

**Here are the fashion photos from Thursday's class: fashion photos

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

HW for Monday, Sept. 12th

1. Study for the test!

2. Listening Activity about Lance Armstrong. Click on the link below and listen to the news report 2 or 3 times. If you like, you can read the story after your first listen while you listen again. When you finish, answer the questions on the handout from class.
Click here to listen to the story

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

HW for Thursday, Sept 8th

1. Workbook
-Activity 1 (A + B) (p. 8) (collected--write answers on separate paper!)
-Activity 2 (B) (p. 9)

2. Paragraph about a challenge in your life
-bring to class tomorrow.

3. Listening Practice: Click HERE to go to the interview.
-Complete the handout from class.

Classmate Paragraph


Please post your paragraph about your classmate. When you have the chance, read other students' paragraph so that you can learn about your classmates.



Here is Rika's Article:

I interviewed my classmate, Sulaiman Meshall. He is from Saudi Arabia. He has been in Missoula for eight months. When he came here, he talked to his father. He usually hangs out with his friend, Omar. He likes to drive around here. He bought sunglasses by himself two weeks ago, and went to float the river.
He likes to listen to the music, Rap, and has fun in his free time.
Last spring, he went to snowboarding, and tried it. However, he didn’t like it well.
He thinks that Spain is the nicest country because Spain is beautiful.
He had never considered his plan well, but he hopes to go back and live in Saudi Arabia in the future.

And here is Kaho's article:

I introduce about Mohammed Almesbahboui.He has been living in Missoula foe 9 months.He came here to study English from Yemen.The reason he ends up coming to University of Montana is that his cousin go to UM, and he recommended.He likes action movies,and his faborate movies are Jaki Chan.And he likes to go shopping in his free time.He get along with his father.His best memory about childhood is that he went to his father's company.He also have tried to ski with his father.So he respects his parents.Last summer, he went to another country with his family. He hopes to go to France on next vacation because he has friends there, and they say to come France and visit them.And he has considering going to Japan. He wants to go to shopping and see people in Japan.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

HW for Tuesday, Sept. 6th

1. Workbook, Act. 1-2 (p. 6)
2. Classmate Interview Article
-Interview your classmate.
-Write a short paragraph about your classmate using the answers from the interview.
3. Tense Uses, Review, and Practice
Note: In the activities below, you will find two new uses for the present progressive and present perfect progressive THAT WE HAVE NOT DISCUSSED IN CLASS. We will review these together briefly on Tuesday. The other activites are review of the verb tenses we have covered this week.
Present progressive
Present Continuous Uses
Simple Present vs. Present Progressive
Past Continuous
simple past vs. past continuous
Simple Past and Present Perfect
Simple past/Present Perfect Comparison
Simple Past vs. Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect Continous Uses
Present Perfect Continuous Practice

HW for Thursday, Sept. 1st

1. Workbook, Act. 2-3 (p. 5)
2. Vocabulary Notebook, Act. 1-2 (p. 10)
3. Native Speaker Interview

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

HW for Wednesday, August 31st

Uncollected HW
1. Workbook, Activities 1 and 2 (p. 4)

**For Thursday:
-Native Speaker Interview